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Deeply Held Concerns and Other Challenges to Public Engagement Processes


This tip sheet offers ideas for the planning and delivery of public engagement activities when participants’ deeply held views and values make successful outcomes more of a challenge. Public engagement processes are often forums for very deeply held concerns. In some cases, public engagement participants will have very strongly held views about the topics to be discussed; the local (or regional) agency and officials involved; and/or the public engagement process itself. This resource provides tips for overcoming these challenges. 

Dealing with Deeply Held Concerns and Other Challenges to Public Engagement Processes


Dealing with Emotional Audiences

This article provides strategies that leaders can employ to maximize the likelihood that public meetings on controversial issues will involve constructive exchanges that contribute to the best decision being made.

Dealing with Emotional Audiences

Additionally, a piece from the Orange County Human Relations Commission is available, “Free Speech vs Hate Speech: Practical Guidelines for Managing Public Forums.”

Free Speech vs. Hate Speech - Orange County Human Relations Commission

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