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Health, Planning & Community Design


Health, Planning and Community Design

Decisions surrounding planning and community design can have significant impacts on the physical, social and mental health of community members.

Local leaders can influence health impacts when making decisions related to the general plan, zoning and conditional use permits, environmental review and health impact assessments.


Integrating Health Considerations into Local Decision Making

Cities and counties throughout California are demonstrating leadership in creating active, lively communities that support the health and vitality of their residents while also making their communities more sustainable.


Ideas for Action
Health, Planning & Community Design

Community design influences residents’ mode choice, impacts the ability to be physically active, affects opportunities for social interaction, shapes the natural environment and informs personal food choices. Planners and land use officials can design environments that provide opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating.


Case Stories
Health, Planning & Community Design

These case stories highlight examples of creating healthy neighborhoods by way of planning and community design.  Each story includes lessons learned, links to additional resources and can serve as examples other agencies may consider and adapt to meet their communities’ unique circumstances.

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