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Gifts & Other Perks


Gifts & Other Perks
The Essence of Democracy

In monarchies, public officials receive special privileges as a result of their positions. By contrast, the virtue of a democracy is that leaders understand those they govern because leaders do not enjoy special privileges

A number of laws limit “perks” enjoyed by public servants. These restrict the income they make, what uses can be made of public resources and receipt of gifts and other gestures.



A Local Official’s Own Credit Card Story

A Local Official’s Own Credit Card Story A former local agency official and Institute board member, Ben Wong, talks about the lesson he learned (almost the hard way) while buying a gift for his daughter.


Expense Reimbursement FAQs

California law imposes requirements on local officials relating to expense reimbursement.


Executive Compensation Issues

The City Managers Department of the League of California Cities and County Administrative Officers Association of California have adopted guidelines for determining chief executive compensation for local agencies.


Career-Saving Tips on Mass Mailings

This article explains the scope of the law that prohibits the use of public resources to send mailings that features the name or likeness of elected officials, including a handy diagram of how the law operates.

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