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Commercial Recycling Resource Center


Commercial Recycling

This section includes a sample commercial recycling ordinance, a sample outreach and education flyer, examples of local commercial recycling programs, links to past webinars and other resources to help local officials increase commercial recycling in their communities.

Click here for information and resources on AB 1826’s Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling.

These resources were developed under a contract with the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), formerly known as the California Integrated Waste Management Board.



Sample Commercial Recycling Ordinance

Sample Commercial Recycling Ordinance

This sample commercial recycling ordinance, prepared in 2009 by the Institute for Local Government’s climate change program, offers policy choices to consider. It can be modified to reflect unique community circumstances and issues.


English and Spanish Language Commercial Recycling Flyer Templates (2012 Update)

The sample commercial recycling flyer template can help local agencies educate businesses about new state requirements to recycle, and about any local requirements that may apply. The flyer template may be modified to reflect local resources, including adding the agency’s logo, local requirements, and contact information. English and Spanish versions of the template are provided for both apartments and businesses.


Working With Local Businesses to Increase Recycling

While residential recycling has become mainstream, the bigger challenge ahead for local governments is to increase recycling by retail, service, office and industrial businesses.


Waste Reduction & Recycling Case Stories

Cities and counties are leading by example and undertaking a range of activities to create more sustainable communities.  These case stories demonstrate the depth and richness of local agency waste reduction and recycling activities.


Local Agency Websites

See agencies’ commercial recycling information on their websites.

Commercial Recycling Ordinance Webinar Series

Commercial Recycling Ordinance Webinar Series
Hosted June 2010 - May 2011

The Institute for Local Government hosted a series of webinars in 2010 and 2011 in collaboration with CalRecycle on adopting commercial recycling ordinances. This series provides information and resources tailored to local agencies interested in adopting a commercial recycling ordinance.