This section is designed to provide an overview of basic terms
and resources related to SB 375, which relies on regional
collaboration by local officials to address California’s goals
for reducing that portion of the emissions of greenhouse gases
that stems from automobile travel. The law coordinates three
important planning activities into a new integrated planning
The regional transportation plan (RTP);
The regional housing needs assessment (RHNA); and
Updating the housing element of local general plans.
A regional transportation plan (RTP) outlines transportation
investments for a region. It is drafted by a metropolitan
planning organization (MPO) or regional transportation planning
agency (RTPA) every four years (five years in regions that have
attained federal air quality standards) and includes a 20-year
outlook for likely growth in the region. The RTP is the basis for
state funding of transportation projects. Projects that are not
in the RTP cannot be “programmed” for state or federal funding.
The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) is mandated by State
Housing Law as part of the periodic process of updating local
housing elements of the General Plan.
To increase public participation and enhance collaboration
between residents, state agencies and local agencies in regional
planning, SB 375 requires specific public participation plans for
five types of decisions.