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Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG)

Metropolitan Planning Organization Profile

About StanCOG

The Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG), established by a joint powers agreement in 1971, is the Federally-designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and the State-designated regional transportation planning agency for the Stanislaus region.

StanCOG’s primary responsibility is developing and updating a variety of transportation plans and for allocating the federal and state funds to implement them. However, StanCOG is also involved in other issues that affect the entire region such as air quality.

StanCOG provides the forum that brings mayors, city council members and county supervisors together to work on regional issues in a setting that promotes the involvement of the public in the planning process for the Stanislaus region.

Members Include: Stanislaus County; Cities of Ceres, Hughson, Modesto, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Turlock and Waterford

Transportation and SB 375

Regional Transportation Plan

The regional transportation plan (RTP) is the region’s blueprint for future transportation improvements and investments based on specific transportation goals and objectives defined by StanCOG, the public and elected officials.  The RTP covers all modes of a complete transportation system including roadways, transit, bicycle/pedestrian improvements and aviation.

2014 Valley Vision Stanislaus, the newest RTP, will provide the framework for investment in roads, freeways, public transit like buses, bike trails and other ways people move around Stanislaus County for the next 28 years.

Sustainable Communities Strategy

2014 Valley Vision Stanislaus will include a plan to accommodate the region’s future housing needs and an enhanced land use element, which will integrate transportation and land use planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector (also known as a Sustainable Communities Strategy). 

StanCOG has created a steering committee comprised of the 10 local jurisdictions and other interest groups to assist in the preparation of this document.  Since the local agencies within Stanislaus County maintain land use authority, it is imperative to include them in the process of developing the Valley Vision Stanislaus.

Public Participation Plan

StanCOG’s public participation plan, includes descriptions of methods used by the agency to raise public awareness and to effectively encourage involvement of underserved and transit-dependent residents in transportation planning.

The latest version of this plan was adopted in January 2012.


The Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process identifies the State of California’s future housing needs throughout the State.  StanCOG, as the regional planning agency, is charged with distributing the fair-share housing need allocation to each agency within the region based primarily on population.

The most recent RHNA Plan was adopted by StanCOG in 2008 and covers the years 2007-2014. 

Other Programs and Projects

Blueprint ToolKit

The Blueprint process is designed to create tools to help the San Joaquin Valley region plan for future growth and quality of life through the integration of transportation, housing, land use, economic development and environmental protection.  As part of the process, StanCOG with the seven other councils of governments in the San Joaquin Valley together developed a ToolKit.   The Blueprint Toolkit will assist Valley communities as they plan for the future through various types and stages of development.


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