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Resources in Spanish/ Recursos en Espanol


The Institute has prepared a number of resources in Spanish to enhance understanding of how local government works among officials, staff, media and members of the public. 

La institución a preparado un numero de recursos en español para mejorar el entendimiento de como el gobierno local trabaja entre oficiales, personal, medios de comunicación y miembros de el publico.


Understanding the Basics of Municipal Revenues in California: Cities, Counties and Special Districts (2016) / Entendiendo los Ingresos de los Condados y las Cuidades (2013)

Understanding the Basics of Municipal Revenues in California: Cities, Counties and Special Districts provides a plain language explanation of where revenues to fund California municipal government services come from.


Financial Management for Elected Officials: Questions to Ask / Administración Financiera para Oficiales Electos:

This plain language publication, available in English and Spanish, helps elected officials, the media and the public understand the basics of local agency financial planning and management, including what kinds of questions to ask to assure good practices are being followed.


Brief Glossary of Financial Management Terms / Breve Glosario de Términos de Administración Financiera

This glossary, available in English and Spanish, is designed to help non-finance experts understand some of the terminology used in public agency financial management.

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