City of San Diego – Land Use & Community Design Program to Address Climate Change
Climate Action Connection: Land Use & Community Design
San Diego’s City of Villages planning concept promotes mixed use neighborhoods and communities to reduce auto dependency and support a larger regional transit system, thus reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions. The city’s general plan also includes sustainable development and other carbon-reducing strategies.
Community:San Diego (San Diego County)
Population: 1.3 million
After two decades of expanding outward and reaching the limits of developable land, the City of San Diego’s recent general plan update incorporates a City of Villages concept that directs future growth to mixed-use communities that are pedestrian friendly and linked to regional transit.
Program Highlights
- Mixed-use “villages” will cluster housing, shopping, jobs and civic uses around future regional transit stations.
- Individual community plans will reflect the city’s general plan goals.
- New infill growth strategy is dependent on coordination between land use and transportation planning.
- Over time, intent is to reduce auto dependency with walkable, bikeable, and transit-linked neighborhoods.
Lessons Learned
- It is more resource and time efficient to get community consensus on a vision statement or a council resolution, and then go forward with a general plan update.
- When undergoing a general plan update, take advantage of e-mail to reach residents and stakeholders. Make documents available for review on the Internet, providing residents who otherwise cannot come to community meetings an opportunity for input.
- Take advantage of local cable TV for outreach to the community providing residents the opportunity to watch and participate from home.
Resources to Learn More
The Rest of the Story…
The City of San Diego previously updated its general plan in
1979, when the city still contained a substantial amount of
undeveloped land to accommodate new growth. As a result of
subsequent growth, now less than four percent of the city’s land
area is vacant and available for new development. Recognizing
that future growth must come largely from redevelopment and
infill, the city evaluated how to promote infill.
In 2002, the city council formally adopted the City of Villages
strategy, as a part of a new strategic framework of the general
plan. It became the guiding document for the general plan update
adopted in 2008. During this time, the city completed a
community-wide greenhouse gas inventory and subsequently a
climate protection action plan. In addition to the conservation
element of the general plan, they comprise San Diego’s
sustainability goals.
City of Villages as Growth Management Strategy
The San Diego general plan and the City of Villages concept form
the city’s growth management strategy. Vehicle miles traveled
(VMT) are expected to decrease over time as villages are
introduced within targeted areas of existing communities. Each
village will become the heart of the community, designed for
walkability, with housing, jobs, shopping and parks, and linked
to other villages and activity centers by transit. The village
strategy also emphasizes the importance of respecting the city’s
natural open space network and the distinctive characteristics of
individual neighborhoods.
Fourteen community plan updates are completed or will begin in
the next fiscal year. These comprise approximately one-third of
the city’s land area.
The village concept takes advantage of existing conditions and
the potential to make existing neighborhoods and already
urbanized and suburbanized areas more complete communities.
Although “village” typically connotes smaller areas, San Diego
has designated various levels of “village” to include its metro
center, urban hubs, residential neighborhood centers, transit
corridors, and future villages to be built on undeveloped or
redeveloped land. Some of the city’s oldest malls, for example,
are being planned for new mixed-use neighborhoods, including one
whose redevelopment plan was approved by the city council and
accepted into the LEED-ND (Neighborhood Development) pilot
Applicability to Other Communities
San Diego’s award winning general plan and its City of Villages
concept demonstrates the potential to transform existing
neighborhoods and zones into walkable, mixed use communities
where transit connections provide links to employment and other
specialized centers. Many of the mixed-use and transit concepts
adopted in San Diego can be applied in smaller communities as
Compiled May 2009
This case story was prepared in partnership with the California
Air Resources Board.