Safe Routes to School National Conference
The fourth Safe Routes to School National Conference is hosted by the Local Government Commission. It is co-presented by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.
Safe Routes to School is a national and international movement to
create safe, convenient and fun opportunities for children to
bicycle and walk to and from schools. It can also play a critical
role in providing more opportunities for youth to engage in
physical activity as well as enhance traffic safety. The
conference will build on the first three highly successful
conferences in this series (2007 in Michigan, 2009 in Oregon, and
2011 in Minnesota), bringing together an audience of between
500-700 people bi-annually from across the country. Learn how
Safe Routes to School programs throughout California and across
the country are changing the habits of an entire generation of
school children and putting thousands of families two steps ahead
of safety, health and environmental concerns.
This dynamic event will draw an audience of transportation and
health professionals, SRTS advocates and program representatives,
youth leaders and youth advocates, educators and school
administrators, local elected officials, planners, architects,
crime prevention professionals, community members, and many
others – coming together in Sacramento, CA connect with
colleagues to discuss ideas, resources, projects and noteworthy
practices to enhance work that is creating more active kids and
safer communities.