Bay Area Regional GHG Inventory
This regional inventory provides an overview of greenhouse gas emission sources in the Bay Area, including breakdowns by county and by sector.
The Air District’s regional greenhouse gas inventory has served as an analysis and educational tool for policy makers throughout the Bay Area. The regional inventory provides an overview of greenhouse gas emission sources in the Bay Area, including a breakdown by county levels and emission sectors. Using the regional inventory, Air District staff and others may identify emission sectors where potential greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emission reductions can be achieved. The Air District’s most recent greenhouse gas inventory represents emission from base year 2007.
The Air District’s Greenhouse Gas Source Inventory estimates direct and indirect emissions from sources within the District’s jurisdiction for the following gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. Direct and indirect emission sources include: electricity use, vehicle emissions, agriculture, and industrial processes.