Capitol Countdown to Census Day
Capitol Countdown to Census Day
Follow this link to live webcast on Thursday March 4th, 2010 1:30 pm – 3:00pm
CALIFORNIA Complete Count Committee and Co-hosts:
Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod—Chair, Select Committee on the Census
Senator Dave Cox—Select Committee on the Census
Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes—Chair, Select Committee on the
Census Assemblymember Tom Berryhill—Select Committee on
the Census
invite you to a convening of legislative staff in the State Capitol
Thursday March 4th, 2010 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Room 4203, State Capitol
Topics to be addressed include:
- Get started now! Get out the Census message that communities depend on constituents.
- What are the five steps your office can take to achieve an accurate count of all Californians.
- The Census and confidentiality. Understand the protections of the Constitution.
- Let’s hear it for the Legislature! Hear how legislators have taken action.
- Who’s who from the Census in YOUR community