Orange County Improves Housing Conditions
The Community Before
The site was comprised of 58 older apartment units that suffered
from long-term deferred maintenance and
The apartment project had the highest incident of police calls and code enforcement activities in the City. Because it was an entryway to the historic Old Town Tustin commercial district, it presented a substantial impediment to the agency’s revitalization efforts of that area.
Redevelopment of the site required agency assistance to reduce
the cost of the property to the qualified buyer. The agency also
provided previous tenants with vastly improved housing conditions
and enabled 12 of them to purchase their own homes.
The Community Now
The Ambrose Lane project reflects a successful blending of private sector development and Agency involvement to provide viable infill housing.
Results include:
- 38 new single-family homes at prices affordable to moderate-income homebuyers centrally located in Orange County
- Attractive additions to the surrounding community and economic district
- Increasing property values instep with surrounding Orange County
- Homebuyers at Ambrose Lane can walk to the shops and restaurants in Old Town Tustin thus enhancing the pedestrian activity in the area and contributing to the economic revitalization of the neighborhood