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Policy Makers and Agency Officials on Community Schools


Policy Makers and Agency Officials on Community Schools

Legislators and Local Officials Discuss Community Schools

In this video, courtesy of the Coalition for Community Schools 2012 National Forum, panelists discuss and provide creative ideas of what can be done through policy and leadership at the state level to encourage or incentivize local systems to work collectively. The panelists include state legislators who have served in local office and the Superintendent for Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson.  Jennifer Peck, Executive Director of the Partnership for Children and Youth, moderates.

The Need for Community Schools – Superintendents’ Perspectives

Policy Makers and Agency Officials on Community Schools

San Francisco Superintendent, Carlos Garcia, discusses the importance a community has in relation to the overall success of schools. Superintendent Garcia highlights the use of community resources as a form of community schools partnership.

Policy Makers and Agency Officials on Community Schools

Richard Carranza from San Francisco Unified School District, Jan Christensen from Redwood City School District, John Porter from Franklin-McKinney School District, Carlos Garcia from San Francisco Unified School District, and Tony Smith from Oakland Unified School District speak about community schools during the 2012 Community Schools National Forum in San Francisco.