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Resources to Support Your Efforts
Healthy Workplaces


Small policy and program efforts to improve health in the workplace can have big benefits for the employer.  Use the resources below to develop strategies that improve health and reduce costs for chronic diseases, decrease worker absenteeism, reduce employee turnover, improve worker satisfaction and morale, and increase organizational ability to recruit new employees.


Prevention Means Business (Infograph)
Public Health Institute, 2013

Prevention Means Business, a new infographic produced by the Public Health Institute in partnership with the American Public Health Association, graphically illustrates the connection between healthy places and thriving businesses.


2012 State of Worksite Wellness in America
Alliance for Healthier Minnesota

The States of Wellness is a national survey research project exploring the experiences, attitudes and opinions of human resource professionals regarding worksite wellness. 


California Fit Business Kit
Network for a Healthy California

This suite of tools is designed to assist employers and employees who are interested in combating declining employee health and ever-increasing health care costs, increase access to fruits and vegetables and physical activity during the workday. 


The Business Case for Breastfeeding Toolkit
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The toolkit, created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides information to educate employers about the value of supporting breastfeeding employees in the workplace, resources for building a lactation support program, and offers guidance to employees on breastfeeding and working.


HEAL Cities Campaign: Employee Wellness

The Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Cities Campaign supports cities’ efforts to increase employee wellness and reduce the burden of employee healthcare costs by helping their employees overcome obesity and overweight.


Healthier Worksite Initiative
Center for Disease Control

The initiative provides toolkits to help employers increase access to physical activity, make healthier food choices available in the workplace, offer worksite preventative health screenings and support employees in making healthy choices.


LEAN Works! Leading Employees to Activity and Nutrition
Center for Disease Control

A web-based resource that offers interactive tools and resources to design effective worksite obesity prevention and control programs. The website includes an obesity cost calculator to estimate how much obesity is costing your company and how much savings your company could reap with different workplace interventions, sample program activities and components and example efforts from other states.

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