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SB 375 Resource Page


Draft Targets Announced:

On June 30, 2010 the California Air Resources Board announced the following draft greenhouse gas reduction targets for passenger vehicles for 2020 and 2035 -























Visit CARB’s website to listen to the workshop webcast. A final staff proposal was released in August, and CARB considered the adoption of targets in September. The full report “Draft Regional Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets For Automobiles and Light Trucks Pursuant to Senate Bill 375” is available at CARB’s SB375 website.

Background on SB 375

The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (SB 375) was designed to reduce transportation related greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by

  • Creating regional GHG emission reduction targets for cars and light trucks, and
  • Linking previously disjointed planning processes related to land use decisions and the transportation system.

The Act requires the State’s 18 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to prepare a Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) as part of their regular update to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The SCS is an integrated transportation and land-use plan that will be required to meet the regional targets set by the California Air Resources Board. SB 375 specifies that the Bay Area SCS be prepared by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Bay Area’s MPO the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).












Cities and Counties, through their jurisdiction over land use and their participation on regional boards, are critical to the success of this effort. Local officials are partners in this endeavor and have the opportunity to play a leadership role in promoting active participation by the public in the development of the SCS. Local – regional partnership is absolutely essential to the successful development and implementation of the SCS.


Information provided by BAAQMD and ABAG, July 2010.

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