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Scott Carroll
General Manager, Costa Mesa Sanitary District


With nearly three decades of public service experience at municipalities and special districts in Southern California, Scott Carroll has successfully led the development of innovative local government programs, operational process enhancements, strategic planning activities and performance improvement initiatives for the betterment of many communities.

The general manager of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District since 2010, in 2015, he helped the district become the first public agency in Southern California to implement a residential curbside organic recycling program where food scraps and green waste are recycled into Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) using anaerobic digestion technology. In 2013 and in 2022, Mr. Carroll was named General Manager of the Year from the California Special Districts Association. Scott has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Administration from San Diego State University and a master’s degree in public administration from University of La Verne, California. 

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