South San Francisco Renovates Fourplexes to Improve Neighborhood Appearance
The Community Before
Willow Gardens Neighborhood was plagued with vandalism, broken windows, graffiti, trash,
broken down cars, and buildings without property management.
Police and code complaints regarding deteriorating conditions and
illegal activities proliferated.
The Community
Willow Gardens is in the process of being transformed from a blighted, crime-ridden neighborhood into a family-oriented and pedestrian-friendly place to live.
The Project Includes:
- Improvements such as sidewalks, awnings, trees, and trellises have helped create a more pleasant community environment.
- A total of 20 renovated, fourplex buildings with a total of 80 rental units. At least 28 units will be for low to very low-income families.
- Redevelopment agency is now working with five private owners on similar façade renovations on five buildings with four units each (part of the 20 buildings).
- Close to 30 percent of the units have now been significantly
improved, inside and out.