City of Davis brochure that includes tips for recycling, reuse
and waste reduction in office, retail, hotel and restaurant
settings. Also includes green best practices for property
management and landscaping.
City of Davis brochure for tenants that includes tips on
recyclables and waste reduction. Also includes tips for proper
disposal of batteries, electronics and other items.
The City of Elk Grove brochure explains recycling collection and
recycling services available. The flyer explains in one
page what items can be recycled.
Glenn County brochure explains basics of recycling, waste
reduction and hazardous waste disposal. Also available is a
sample cover letter to businesses promoting commercial recycling.
Sacramento County Solid Waste Authority provides 16-page booklet
to explain recycling requirements to owners and managers.
Explains what must be recycled and what businesses must comply.
Also explains self haul option and answers FAQs.
Sacramento County created a set of posters for its business
recycling program. Businesses can place these posters near
recycling bins to indicate what materials may be placed in the
bins. The county also translated some of the posters into Spanish
and Russian.
Multi-lingual English/Spanish/Vietnamese/Chinese sign from City
of San Diego warns that unauthorized removal of refuse or
recyclables from container is illegal.
Examples of bilingual English/Spanish materials from San Diego
County that help owners and managers inform tenants about
recycling program. Materials include door hangers, brochures,
refrigerator magnets, signs, and stickers.
Bilingual English/Spanish brochure for owners and property
managers on implementing a mandatory recycling program. Includes
tips for maximizing tenant participation in adopting waste
reduction and recycling practices.