Where are California’s Opportunity Zones?
There are 879 Opportunity Zones in California alone which represents more than 10% of all Opportunity Zones nationwide. 57 counties across California are eligible for Opportunity Zone support (all but Mono).
Where are California’s Opportunity Zones?
The counties with the most designated census tracts include:
- Los Angeles (274)
- San Bernardino (57)
- Riverside (49)
- Alameda (47)
- Fresno (47)
- San Diego (47)
- Sacramento (43)
- Kern (35)
- Orange (27)
- San Joaquin (20)
View the list of all California counties and their number of designated Opportunity Zones at right.
How were California’s OZs chosen?
California’s 879 Opportunity Zones were designated by Governor Jerry Brown and confirmed by the United States Treasury in 2018. There are 8,700 Opportunity Zones nationwide and 879 in California.
Each state’s governor nominated up to 25% of their state’s census tracts for designation as an Opportunity Zone. California has 8,057 census tracts in total. California prioritized census tracts that experienced the highest poverty, geographic diversity, business and residential differentiation, and where possible each county had two designated census tracts.
For more information about the California OZ selection criteria visit https://opzones.ca.gov/faqs/