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Safe Routes to School Program

SRTS Toolkit

Safe Routes to School (SRTS and SR2S) programs have been established in California through state and federal legislation.  Both programs seek to increase the safety and number of children walking and bicycling to school. Caltrans has administered both of these programs since the inception of the program and works with stakeholders across California to ensure that statewide consistency in policies and best practices are addressed.  

The state program primarily funds infrastructure projects, while the federal program funds both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. Safe routes to school projects often integrate complete streets concepts.


School and local government officials can join forces to increase the competitiveness of Safe Route to School award applications.


In the City of Azusa the school board worked with the city to receive grant money from the Los Angeles County Communities Putting Prevention to Work Initiative. By running a pilot program that emphasized parental education and empowerment, the school board was able to leverage its efforts to win two more funding awards to work in other schools within the district.


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