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Sustainable Communities Planning Grants

SRTS Toolkit

The California Strategic Growth Council administers Sustainable Communities Planning Grants, which are available to local governments, metropolitan planning organizations and some other organizations. These grants seek to foster sustainable communities in California.The California Strategic Growth Council puts forth many goals for this grant program including:

  • Reducing automobile use and fuel consumption
  • Promoting public health and equity
  • Revitalizing urban and community centers
  • Improving infrastructure systems
  • Strengthening the economy

Sustainable Communities Planning Grants may be used to fund active transportation projects.


Schools may want to consider partnering with cities, counties or regional agencies to apply for Sustainable Communities Planning Grants. Because schools are a gap in SB 375 legislation, and are not eligible to apply for these planning grants alone, transportation officials will likely be eager to involve schools in the process, rendering their applications highly competitive.


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