Improving Community Wellness through Collaboration
Webinar 1 of 3
Local officials and staff play a vital role in the wellness and health of the children and families within their communities. As they grapple with challenging health and social issues, building upon innovative methods may maximize finite economic and human resources. Specifically, collaboration through shared services, joint use or proactive program planning may yield results greater than any one single agency could achieve on its own. This webinar highlighted a county and city example of how collaboration and working together can help stretch resources to develop healthier neighborhoods and improve community wellness.
Panelists will discuss:
- Their experiences in working with different agencies to obtain a shared vision or goal,
- The benefits of collaboration and partnerships, and
- Best practices and lessons learned in the collaborative process.
- Richard Knecht, Director, Children’s System of Care, Placer County
- Christi Fee, Family and Consumer Advocacy Program Manager, NorCal Mental Health America, Children and Adult System of Care, Placer County
- Robb Davis, Mayor Pro Tempore, City of Davis