Workforce Housing Program Provides Rent Relief for California’s Middle-Income Residents
Webinar Description
Increasing rent prices, decreasing fund tools and sustained rising demand, continue to exacerbate California’s housing crisis. State and local leaders alike recognize the need to identify strategies and funding to address the housing needs of all residents – including the “missing middle.” Join CSCDA, and your local government colleagues to hear about the Workforce Housing Program and tools available to help local governments meet the workforce housing needs in their communities.
- Jon Penkower, Managing Director, CSCDA
Moderated by Jim Manker, Director of Corporate Relations, California State Association of Counties
CSCDA is a joint powers authority founded and sponsored by the League of California Cities (“League”) and the California State Association of Counties (“CSAC”). CSCDA was created by the League and CSAC in 1988 to enable local government and eligible private entities access to low-cost, tax-exempt financing for projects that provide a tangible public benefit, contribute to social and economic growth and improve the overall quality of life in local communities throughout California. CSCDA is comprised of more than 530 cities, counties and special districts and has issued more than $65 billion in bonds across its diverse public benefit financing programs.