Founded in 1997, the CCS Partnership was created as a vehicle for
the three partnering associations (the California State
Association of Counties (CSAC), the California School Boards
Association (CSBA), and the League of California Cities (League)
to identify common issues, discuss mutual challenges and explore
alternative strategies.
An important element of what the CCS Partnership does is
convening the leadership of the three partner associations
through the structure of the CCS Leadership Council. The
regular gathering of the officers and executives of the partner
associations is an opportunity for city, county and school board
leaders to get to know each other to build mutual understanding
and trust. This affords officials the opportunity to learn
and understand broader issues facing three kinds of local
government agencies and the potential for finding common means to
address challenges and work collaboratively.
CCS Partnership was a separate non-profit until 2015, when it
became a project of the Institute for Local Government under the
umbrella of ILG’s Collaboration and Partnerships program. CCS
Partnership’s Leadership Council remains an important asset in
guiding discussion and delivery of quality materials and
resources to inspire, educate and serve local officials and staff
of cities, counties and schools.
The three partner associations make an annual commitment to
support the organization’s core functions including staff support
to the Leadership Council and development of resources and
materials, as well as implementation of grant-funded projects.