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Public Engagement Advisory Council


Public Engagement & Equity Advisory Council

ILG’s Public Engagement pilar seeks to imbed authentic, effective and inclusive public engagement practices that encourage greater public trust and confidence in local government, while also helping local jurisdictions achieve their goals. Our mission is to empower local government leaders, increase capacity, and build trust in their communities. Inclusive and equitable public engagement lies at the heart of our work. We are committed to enhancing outreach and public engagement opportunities for marginalized communities to meaningfully participate in the local government decision-making process and benefit from local programs. 

Our Public Engagement & Equity Advisory Council helps us stay proactive in understanding the challenge local governments face to engage and empower their communities and share ideas on best practices for engaging communities. 


Ruben Abrica
Councilmember, City of East Palo Alto

Ruben Abrica currently serves on the City Council of East Palo Alto. He served as Mayor from 2012-2013. He represents the city on, and has served as chair of, the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority. He also serves on Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency and the City and County Association of Governments of San Mateo County on behalf of the City. 


Malka Kopell
Co-Founder and CEO, Civity

Malka Ranjana Kopell is Co-Founder and CEO of Civity (, a national organization focused on fostering relationships of respect and empathy across divides of race, class and culture.


David Loya
Community Development Director, City of Arcata

David Loya is the City of Arcata Community Development Director. His work spans current planning, long-range urban planning and climate adaptation planning, housing policy and production, and economic development.


Sarah Rubin
Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, California Department of Conservation

Sarah Rubin is the Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at the California  Department of Conservation. Prior to joining the Department in June 2018, she was the Public Engagement Program Director at the Institute for Local Government. Specializing in public engagement, she has extensive expertise working with local governments and stakeholder groups throughout California.


Megan Scheid
Deputy City Manager, City of Roseville

Megan serves as the Deputy City Manager for the City of Roseville and has served on the City Manager’s Executive Team since 2010.


Christine Viterelli
Grants Manager, City of Arvin

Christine Viterelli Grants Manager for the City of Arvin. She has worked at the City of Arvin since 2016 as the Grant Specialist helping the city attain millions of dollars in awards from federal, state, and other jurisdictional agencies.

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